Lean Manufacturing KPIs

We just posted a single page with our top 3 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which shows how Lean Manufacturing is helping us to deliver superior quality rollers to our customers:

97% of our customer’s orders ship complete and on-time;

99.44% of our production meets our customer’s acceptance criteria and is not returned for any reason; and

99.15% of our production meets our internal acceptance criteria for each step of the manufacturing process (reducing the possibility of something getting out that doesn’t meet our customer’s requirements).

Download a copy of this new single page here: www.imperialrubber.com/pdf/Imperial_Rubber_Lean_Manufacturing_Yields_Better_Rollers_2013_KPIs.pdf

Or download the open letter to customers with more details here: www.imperialrubber.com/lean/report/2013yearend.asp.